Many people often wonder about the installation process of a Microsoft Exchange server. However, this installation is very easy to carry out. However, the success of this installation depends on the respect of certain steps. How to install a Microsoft Exchange server? Read this article to find out the answer to this question.
Some important prerequisites before installing the server
Installing a Microsoft Exchange server is not something you should do in a hurry. Contitnue to read this article to know more. For this reason, a few things need to be checked before starting the installation. The first thing to check is the user. It is actually a question of checking whether he or she has a mailbox. Then, it will be necessary to see if the user belongs to the domain. The third important check concerns the organisation. This check will consist of seeing if all the Microsoft Exchange systems are installed. It is this installation that promotes communication between the servers. Once these three checks are done, you can start installing the Microsoft Exchange server.
What is the procedure for installing the Microsoft Exchange server?
The installation of a Microsoft Exchange server is something that is done with care. This is why the steps to follow must be strictly adhered to. First of all, you need to connect to Microsoft Outlook. To do this, you will need the user's data. To complete the process, you must press "next" in the welcome window. Then select "yes" and click on "next". To finalise the installation, you must enter the name of the Microsoft Exchange before entering the user's name. The whole thing will be validated by an OK. After the installation, it is necessary to proceed to its configuration. This configuration is possible from the Windows Control Panel. You have the possibility of doing this in two different ways, either automatically or manually.